The idea of wearing a uniform for days on end might be dreadful. You may even argue uniforms stifle one’s self-expression and creative enthusiasm. However, living in a world where your clothes determine your social standing, uniforms are a breath of fresh air.
For starters, uniforms in a school play a vital role in spreading belongingness, uniformity, and equality among students no matter their religion, caste, economic strata, etc. So, if you have ever considered school uniforms a nuisance, the points mentioned below will help change your mind to understand why they’re an absolute necessity.
Creating a sense of uniformity and equality is one of the primary importance of uniforms in schools.
Children are exposed to many different fashions and trends in today’s digital age. Clothes have taken the shape of a status symbol, and in the absence of a uniform, children will judge each other based on what brand they are wearing. Since education is the fundamental right of everyone across all walks of life, school uniforms help to negate feelings that might result in children being judged because of their clothes.
Therefore, uniforms are part and parcel of CBSE schools in Siliguri, West Bengal, and across the country. Uniforms create a feeling of oneness among the students and do not provide them with the opportunity to bully each other according to their background.
In the absence of school uniforms, children will dedicate more time to what they should wear rather than concentrating on learning. Getting ready for school will become one more thing they have to worry about, along with exams and assignments.
By wearing uniforms, students no longer have to plan their outfits. Also, they do not have to feel insecure about their appearance and social status. Everyone will be wearing the same clothes, so there’s no judgment. Students won’t have to go through peer pressure to look a certain way or wear specific fashion brands. They can put all of their energies into learning and co-curricular activities at school.
The presence of a standard dress code for students eases the burden on students to look a certain way and motivates them to express themselves through sports, arts, academics, etc. Every student gets an equal footing, and their fashion choices do not dictate their personality or creativity.
Some kids have wardrobes overflowing with clothes, while others struggle to find a new outfit to wear every day. But students don’t need that kind of pressure when growing up. If kids spend a lot of time thinking and wondering what they will wear to school, they will run out of time for more important things. For instance, putting together the perfect outfit for school may take up so much of their energy and time that they may forget to finish an important assignment or study for a test.
School uniforms ensure students don’t need to obsess over the proper outfit and focus their energies on thriving in school. Also, they can quickly get ready when there’s a uniform and not waste their precious time.
Wearing the correct school uniform teaches students discipline and helps in reducing absenteeism. Students don’t need to pay attention to their appearance, but the focus is on learning and good behavior. They are not judged by what they wear but by how they behave, and this learning is taken forward when they grow up.
School uniforms promote school spirit and make students feel they all belong together. It helps generate a sense of pride and motivates students to function as a team. When they represent their school at any competition or inter-school events, the uniform makes them feel fiercely loyal to their school. They try to make an effort to uphold the reputation of their school. That’s why all CBSE schools in Darjeeling have uniforms. The moment a student wears the uniform, they become a representation and an extension of the school. Therefore, they have to behave and act a certain way that does not mar their reputation. It is this learning that students take forward with them in life and work on their presentation skills to make everyone proud, wherever they go.
If students are allowed to wear whatever they want, it will become challenging to identify intruders. But when everyone is wearing the same uniform, you can easily recognize which students are from your school and which students are from some other school.
Keeping up with your children’s wardrobe can be a challenging task. What will you do if your child wants a seat at the popular kids’ table and wants something new to wear every day? As a parent, you might spend a lot of money on designer clothes.
On the other hand, school uniforms guarantee to help save your money. You can buy two to three sets of uniforms, and you don’t have to worry about what your ward will wear to school for a long time. You don’t have to think of buying anything else for school. Also, uniforms are not typically expensive, so you get to save money.
Final Thoughts
In summation, school uniforms are more critical than you might have thought. They will even teach your kids the importance of building up their character and knowledge base instead of judging people because of their fashion choices.