Sports Activities Offered
Outdoor | Indoor | Adventure Activities | Calisthenics Exercise Park |
Archery | Swimming | Wall Climbing | Chin up Bars |
Athletics | Table Tennis | Burma Bridge | Horizontal Ladder |
Basketball | Badminton | Rope Climbing | Parallel Bars |
Cricket | Chess | Hiking | Push up bars |
Football | Yoga | Salmon Ladder | |
Skating | Shooting | ||
Tennis | |||
Volleyball |
Sports are an integrated part of education.
Sports activities are designed in such a way which can help a child to become physically fit, mentally tough, emotionally stable and socially well adjusted. It gives them the strength and Confidence to survive in any situation.
Through Sports activities we build character and develop the leadership qualities among the children.Students get Maximum opportunity to participate in games and sports in our campus. Inter-house Tournaments, Inter school Tournaments and CBSE cluster and Nationals are the different platforms for SSA children to showcase their Athletic skills.
We make sure there is 100% participation in sports and activities by the students.
We have full time experienced sports coaches for all sports which is available in our campus.
We have talent identification program and take Physical Fitness test to check students’ fitness level, his or her potential and ability which further helps the child to choose his/ her sport.
Skilful and Scientific sports Training is the first priority of SSA sports department (Grass route to Advance level training).
We maintain the 1:2 ratio for equipment and students.
We follow the proper assignment system to understand the progress level of the students.
Join us at Sri Sri Academy, Siliguri and discover your true potential through our diverse range of sports activities!
Yoga & Art of Living
Regular practice of yoga and mindfulness improves students’ physical well-being and mental health.Yoga can improve focus, memory, self-esteem and can even reduce anxiety and stress in children.
At Sri Sri Academy, children are encouraged to practice Yoga , Pranayam and meditation regularly The yoga teacher helps the students to perform the various yoga poses and also advise students on ways to improve or refine their practice
Through pranayama and other breathing exercises in yoga, students learn at a young age how to master the technique of breathing correctly and improve the quality of their life.
The students also attend programs like Utkarsha Yoga , Medha Yoga which are designed for the holistic development of the children from 5 to 18 years to enhance mental , emotional and physical well being . These programs are conducted at regular intervals in the school by the Art Of Living teachers