Sri Sri Academy Siliguri , provides comfortable and efficient bus service to pick and drop the students at notified timings and scheduled stops.
Our transport facility is equipped to ensure maximum coverage and protection. Each bus is equipped with First-Aid Box, CCTV Camera, speed governor and other facilities. The buses are fully air conditioned and GPS enabled so that the parents and school can track the location of the buses.
Our transportation team, who ensures the buses arrive on time, have experienced drivers, helpers and designated lady attendant in each bus. The attendants are present in the bus when the first child is picked in the morning till the last child is dropped home in the evening. They are provided mobile phones to ensure easy monitoring of each route. Each bus also has a list of Emergency contact numbers, as well as Points of Contact within the school.
The administration team works closely with the team in charge of transportation to plan bus-routes and allot children a place on a bus. The team not only supervises the departure and arrival of buses on time each day but also conducts routine checks and transport safety drills for the staff and students.